All colors depend on light, 2021
All colors depend on light
35,6 X 17,5 X 15,4 cm
14 X 6.9 X 6 inches
Fluorescent tube, glass, diffraction grating, brass (chrome-plated), stainless steel
All colors depend on light
60,5 X 17,5 X 15,4 cm
23.8 X 6.9 X 6 inches
Neon tube, glass, diffraction grating, brass (chrome-plated), stainless steel
White light is a combination of lights of different wavelengths. Every atom and every molecule has its very own and therefore unique spectrum, hiding in the light like a genetic code.
All colors depend on light is a sculpture series that uses spectral analysis to expose the illuminant’s very essence by dispersing it in its colorful code. The prismatic sculptures are rich in information as they retain the light in the glass zone like a visual, immaterial painting and therefore prove light’s optical existence.
All colors depend on light is a sculpture series that uses spectral analysis to expose the illuminant’s very essence by dispersing it in its colorful code. The prismatic sculptures are rich in information as they retain the light in the glass zone like a visual, immaterial painting and therefore prove light’s optical existence.